Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Entry into Chinese and Indian Retail Markets Essay

Entry into Chinese and Indian Retail Markets - Essay Example International market situations happen to be multi level in their decision focus, with a hierarchy of decisions from country assessment and performance measurement decisions through to more traditional marketing mix allocations and programs.International market situations happen to be multi level in their decision focus, with a hierarchy of decisions from country assessment and performance measurement decisions through to more traditional marketing mix allocations and programs.For the purpose of this study, entry into Chinese and Indian retail markets is to be considered. In general for a superstore/ retail chain like Tesco, Asda, Walmart, Trust-Mart, Reliance etc. the marketing mix comprises;†¢ Product – this includes the quality levels, production costs, the packaging, the range of products and the product differentiation.  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Price – this includes appropriate pricing for the target markets, quality considerations depending upon the pricing and an attackin g pricing or a defensive pricing  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Place – depending upon the location of a superstore it is also called a convenience store, therefore the location is very important to reach to the targeted segments.  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Promotion – we are today living in a media-savvy world. The power of being seen in print or TV or being heard on the radio can make or break a brand. Integrating the promotion publicity campaign with the marketing mix is very crucial.†¢ People – interface between the retail store and the customers are the people manning the counters and providing technical support and after-sales services. Therefore a friendly, uniformed, well informed and well-behaved person at the counter can help in gaining widening the customer base. HR friendly policies help in attracting and retaining good human resources. Processes - how the retail store manages its front office, back office, system support, online services etc. will definitely help it in earning a good reputation amongst the customers. Physicals - this includes the premises, support vehicles, uniforms and the looks of corporate signature. Service - last, but certainly not the least, is the services part. In fact the retailing business has become more of service oriented now a days. Were all the functions and techniques of using a particular gadget/ equipment told to the customer before the purchase, how the customer felt after buying a new TV set, did it malfunction, did he feel any difficulty in switching it on and tuning it - are some of the issues which can only be known if the retail store has a good mechanism of taking feedback from its customers. China: A leading Economy China is the most populous country in the world; with 1.30756 billion people1 by the end of 2005 it has a share of 22% of the world's total. China's entry into the WTO on December 11, 2001 has ensured regular inflows of FDI. With its gross domestic product (GDP) growing at an annual rate of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Policing has affected a Nation not Just a Race Essay Example for Free

Policing has affected a Nation not Just a Race Essay Throughout the interview process I was able to understand and gain an adequate perception of how others felt about law enforcement here in the United States. I found that many answers were universal and were not only the views of one particular race. Law enforcement is set in place to up hold the laws and to protect and serve the people of the United States. However, I found that a few of my interviewees felt that law enforcement was biased and were not for all people. The interviewing process was very interesting and being able to listen to the participants’ responses was very enlightening. No two people had the same perception however, there were many concerns that were similar. My first interview was conducted on an African American woman. She is 75 years old and is originally from Saint Joseph, Louisiana. However, she is a widower and all of her children have passed on. She moved here to Houston Texas in 1960 with the husband and two children. Where they have resided in the area of Houston known as Fifth Ward for over 54 years. She has spoken about how growing up in Louisiana as a black child was horrible, and how they were taught to avoid the police by all means. The town of Saint Joseph was a very small town, and it was divided by color. Yes my interviewee grew up during segregation, and she recalls that the police were not for the blacks. She recalls classmates being beaten by the police and nothing never being done about the fact that they were beaten for nothing. She spoke of the time when her sister worked for a white family and was raped by the man of the house. Her sister and family could not report such a crime because they feared that it would bring trouble to their entire family. She states that she has no respect for law enforcement, however she states that she never breaks the laws of the land. Obeying the law is her way of staying out of jail and feels as long as she abides the law she is quite alright. During her interview I found her having many stories to tell in regards to how black life has no value, and how she has never seen the law truly work for the African American. Her responses to the  questions left her stumbled sometime, and I found myself finding ways to inform her that law enforcement ha s made great changes since she was a child. I could understand but I was unable to relate because my experience with law enforcement has never been to the extent of hers. I did find it quite interesting when she was asked the question about domestic violence. Her response was, â€Å"I never heard of husband’s hitting their wives and if they did that was not something for the world to know†. She stated that, â€Å"You knew that what went on in your home stayed in your home†. I was shocked and somewhat appalled at her response. Her body language and her tone let me know that she was indeed serious about keeping affairs in the home. She believed that women who were hit must have done something pretty bad to make her husband hit her. I still found myself puzzled by her response. Although during the second interview when asked this very same question. She elaborated about an incident with her cousin who was caught cheating and her husband did abuse her. She inclined to say that, â€Å"You just do not do things in such a manner and not expect such behaviors†. I could understand where she was coming from, but I was not able to agree with a man or a woman hitting their mate. This 76 year old black women was still stuck in the era of when she was a child and very young adult. She felt that law enforcement would never been positioned to serve or protect African Americans, and that the only reason they have allowed blacks to become police officers was because it would not matter if another black man was killed. In her opinion there is no hope for the African American people here in the United States and that it is just a bunch of boloney in the world in which we live. However she did feel that the use of DNA was the greatest thing that could have come along. With a strong understanding that the use of DNA can help to solve crimes and maybe even help from crimes being committed. She believes that if they find a killer this way people may think twice before actually think twice before committing murder. Her wish is that law enforcement stop perceiving and believing that all black people are  criminals. My next interviewee is a Caucasian women and she is 41 years old. She is married and is the mother of three children. She is a fulltime student at the University of Houston-Downtown and she will be graduating in December. She is a Houston native and she grew up near Bellaire. Her and her family now reside in the historical area of the Heights. This too was a very interesting interview, simply because she was truly involved with the questions and she gave a statement as to why she felt the way she did with the answers she gave. Her answer in regards to domestic violence she felt that there are three sides to a story and that both parties should give their side. Then allow the police to determine if the call and the situation requires law enforcement to detain anyone. Her thoughts on how the police perceived citizens was very mind blowing, and she felt that it was not just minorities that were targeted by law enforcement. However she does feel that police are power hungry, bias, hardworking and underpaid, and this only adds stress. Stress can factor in how law enforcement responds and reacts to certain situations when performing their job without allowing race and location to blind their actually duty to the citizens. As stated early she feels that every citizens is scrutinized by law enforcement, and she feels that law enforcement tends to the jump the gun before completely assessing the situation. Being a mother of three she found what it felt like when her son was stopped and harassed by the police for no particular reason. She believes these acts are the very reason that the younger generation shows no respect for law enforcement. However she does feel that reaching out to high schools would be a proactive in the process of recruiting new offi cers. She also feels that there she be additional training included for those citizens with mental illness. Those trainings will help to keep the citizens and the officers out of harm’s way. I will now move on to my third participant who is a 46 year old African American woman who has recently divorced and has no children. She is originally from East Oakland, California and has been in Houston for 5 years. Returning back home is the plan in the five years. She has dealt with the police on a regular occasions due to her ex-husband being  incarcerated for ten years. Her answers were just as interesting as my second participant, and her answers were very colorful. I want to just note that her lifestyle was one that was accustomed to glitz and glam due to the fact that her ex-husband was a drug dealer. She recalls the time that law enforcement ran into her home and threw her on the floor and she stated talked to her like she was an actual dog. Not allowing her to speak, handcuffed her, and she was thrown in the back of a police car. She says that she was held for questioning for 2 days, and even with her ex-husband stating that she had nothing to do with his dealings. They keep her and continued to question her asking the same questions over and over. However she does not hate law enforcement and she believes that this very incident opened her eyes to a different type of guy she would ha ve. She feels that most part traditional policing strategies have been effective in combating crime, however police use excessive force when utilizing discretion in dealing with citizens sometimes. Recalling an incident that was made into a movie named â€Å"Fruitvale† was based on a true story and was right down the street from which she grew up. She believes that the police in East Oakland are very aggressive and are trigger happy. She feels that law enforcement here in Houston are not as aggressive with law enforcement back home in California. She does feel that in certain areas of town here in Houston. This participant would like to see a substantial increase of specialized training in the mental illness area, sign language for the hearing impaired and subtle prejudice courses for those law enforcement officers who are hiding behind their badge. Police officers are receiving adequate training as for as the physical requirements. To be well rounded you have to have some since of street smarts and able to deal with people from all walks of life. She agrees with every current method of police recruitment, selection, and training of officers, except the minimum age requirement for some law enforcement agencies. She had some personal views on domestic violence seeing that she was a domestic violence survivor. She does believe that women should be arrested for domestic violence, however she feels there is an exception if the woman is trying to defend herself. My fourth participant is 43 year old African American male and he is married with no kids. Had no run in with the law until he mad e 40 years old. His brushes with law came from driving while intoxicated and carrying a handgun. He was  able to have the handgun case dismissed, because he actually had his handgun concealed. However he is on probation for driving while intoxicated. He has lived in Houston his entire life and has very biased views about law enforcement. In his younger days he was a part of a gang and was what he refers to as a thug and drug dealer. He took pride in his past and stated that had he not have met his wife he would probably still be running the streets. I also found that he is a male chauvinist and has some harsh views on domestic violence. When asked about domestic violence he stated that a women should know her place and that the man is head of his home. He feels that as long as a woman is submissive and keeps her husband happy they should not have any problems. He does not feel that a wife should not call the police on her husband and that they should keep what goes on in their home. Being a woman that has experienced domestic violence I got off of subject and asked him why such harsh feelings about domestic violence. He stated that his step father was abusive and his mother stayed. She never called the police on him and over time the abuse stopped. They were pretty happy before his step father passed, and being the grandson of a pastor he feels that bible is key to keeping a happy home. When asked about how the police perceived citizens, he automatically stated that African Americans have no chance with the Houston police department. Growing up in the northeast intercity area of Houston he says he has seen police brutality on a regular. The police were not there to help black people is what he stated. He said the only way the police were on your side was if you had enough money to pay them. They do not fight crime and they are a part of the crimes that are committed. Biased and unethical are his choice words about law enforcement. Still today in 2013 ones race and ethnicity affects how police treat you. Blacks are treated as the criminal and Whites are treated as the innocent bystanders. He feels that police are a threat to minorities and there should be training to new officers so that they do not allow their personal views to interfere with their ability to protect and serve all citizens. He express the fact that the police have no understanding or training when it comes to dealing with the mentally ill, and feels they have no problem with shooting them. Extensive training should be given yearly, and maybe even some classes should be required to be able to realize that there may be some mental illness when dealing with certain individuals. I  want to be honest and inform you that I was not able to complete a second interview with this participant and I was able to find a fifth participant. Now my last participant is 35 year old African American women who is married with three children and is a fulltime student at the University of Houston. She is a Psychology major and will be graduating in May of 2014. She is native Houstonian and grew up in the fifth ward area. Having a daughter in the military has opened her eyes for all those that protect and serve. She is also the daughter of a preacher. She believes that females have more help now to escape an abusive home in a peaceful and confidential manner. However she feels in some cases determining the difference between minor and serious acts of domestic violence are ignored by officers that arrive on the scene. Understanding the frustration when officers deal with mentally ill people because many officers have died trying to help but in many cases officers are there to get them the help they need so yes they do respond appropriately. DNA is vital in most convictions because it can be used to clear suspects and exonerate persons mistakenly accused or convicted of crimes. She believes that laws are put in place to protect not only the citizens but those that are uniformed to do so. When asked about the current methods of recruiting she respond. The current method for recruiting officers is pretty good but as in any field how can you really predict or screen if you have a ‘bad’ or â€Å"good† officer as a candidate despite all the requirements including background and psychological information revealed. She felt that the only inadequate problem of training is the mental state of many of the officers. In the area of training she believes that all officers need to be trained on how to deal with other races and they need to be taught social skills within various cultures. Maybe this will help them erase preconceived notions and ideas of others that are not a part of their ethnic group. There are way too many cases involving officers and issues with minorities, stereotyping, racial profiling, brutality, injustice and racism, many officer perceptions is very negative when it comes to certain ethnicities. There has to be a stamp on the bias that affects the way minorities are treated when dealing with law enforcement. All of the participants were very strong about their views based on personal or others experiences with law enforcement. Listening to their answers and their stories opened my eyes, and allowed me to feel how they truly felt. However  I wondered did any of my participants understand that many officers may have the same opinion about the citizens that they protect and serve. Many men and women that are in law enforcement fear for their lives every day. I understand that some law enforcement officers are biased, however I feel that some of that may extend from personal experiences as well. Maybe there could be some common ground for both parties, and there should be a communal outreach to bring back community involvement.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

J.A. is an 82 year old male of German-American descent. He speaks English and does not know any German. He lives in a single family home with 2 floors, and a basement. He is 5’9†, married, appears well groomed and dressed. J.A. is alert and oriented x 3 and is currently retired. I met with J.A. on Saturday, 2/8/14 at 10:15am and was introduced to him and his spouse by his son. The interview was done at the home of J.A. in an office that he has in his home. J.A. seems very technological savvy with the use of a computer, scanner/printer, e-mail and the internet. Overall, he seems very calm, well mannered, optimistic and has a very good memory. He was able to remember where certain items were placed in the home when his wife asked about it. There were certificates around the home which seems like he received it from volunteering as well as paintings and pictures throughout the house. The interview lasted for 1 hour and 15 minutes. General Assessment J.A. had a steady gait, his speech was clear and audible, skin looked intact, and has short white hair but was slowly becoming bald. J.A. states that he feels that his â€Å"health is not great, but not that bad either.† He states that â€Å"overall he feels his health is fair for his age.† There are some medical problems which he states that does affect him. His knees suffer from arthritis and can’t walk as much as he used to. When he tries to walk, he cannot walk as fast as he used to due to a heart problem. According to J.A., his knees affect him the most when it is cold or when it is really damp/humid. He states that he has slipped and broken a bone in his ankle about 4 months ago which is not helping with his arthritis. His neighbors would help shovel his house when there ... ...ily is a bit more traditional, we do use some Chinese herbal medications and also believe that when we are sick to not eat certain foods or even when someone is pregnant to not eat certain foods. Usually when someone is sick or recovering from a surgery we would tell them not to eat some food and to eat certain foods that would help them recover. There are a lot of other beliefs which my family practices which I do not. However, I would follow it if asked of from my parents. Also, there is a belief that usually men would bring home more money and women would stay home and cook. However, nowadays that is not always the case and I also don’t believe that is the case. My family practices Buddhism on and off which is quite different from Roman Catholic. Prior to having a big meal before a big holiday, we would offer food to the Gods and then partake in that food.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Curfews Doesn’t Keep Teens Out Of Trouble

?Youth curfews are popular. In poll after poll, Americans support laws that restrict teenagers' activities during certain hours of the day and night. Youth curfews are also logical. If youngsters are getting into trouble, it makes sense to get them off the streets. There's only one problem with youth curfews: They don't work. And we shouldn't kid ourselves that they do. Yet that's what we're doing in Philadelphia, where Mayor Nutter recently extended a 9 p. m. curfew on Friday and Saturday nights for all unaccompanied minors in Center City and University City.The measure came on the heels of this summer's violent flash-mob episodes, which seem to have quieted down since then. But the city already had a youth curfew in place, long before the flash-mob mayhem began. On weekdays, it's 9 p. m. for children under 13 and 10:30 p. m. for children 13 to 17; on the weekends, everyone has to be home by midnight. And that hasn't done anything to stem the tide of youth violence in Philadelphia. Insofar as the downtown curfew has â€Å"worked,† it probably just displaced crime from one part of the city – and one time of the day – to another.That's what happened in Detroit, after it adopted a youth curfew in 1976. Juvenile crime dropped 6 percent during the curfew hours, but it increased 13 percent in the midafternoon. Nationwide, more than 80 percent of juvenile offenses take place between 9 a. m. and 10 p. m. – outside most curfews. Nor do we have any solid evidence that youth curfews lower the overall rate of juvenile crime. In a close study of Monrovia, Calif. , in the 1990s, for example, sociologist Michael Males found that juvenile arrests for non-curfew crimes increased 53 percent during the school months when the town's curfew was enforced.In July and August, when the curfew was not enforced, non-curfew youth crime went down 12 percent. So why are we so wedded to youth curfews? The answer has less to with youth than with adults. Whenever w e get worried that the youth are out of control, we enact a curfew. And that makes us feel better, even if it doesn't make crime go down. Youth curfews date to late 19th century, when America's cities swelled with millions of unsupervised teens. Like laws mandating school attendance and banning child labor, the argument went, curfews would improve individual lives even as they protected the social order.President Benjamin Harrison called curfews â€Å"the most important municipal regulation for the protection of children in American homes from the vices of the street. † By 1900, 3,000 municipalities had curfews in place. The next set of curfews came during Prohibition in the 1920s, when speakeasies and gang violence sparked new anxieties about American youth. Although juvenile crime dropped during the decade, it made for good press – and, in several cities, for new curfews. â€Å"The street corners and vacant lots of the city are the kindergartens of a school of crime ,† opined an editorial writer in Chicago, endorsing the city's 1921 curfew.â€Å"The primary and intermediate classes meet in vicious poolrooms. Cabarets and tough saloons are offering advanced lessons, and post-graduate instruction is available in the jails and penitentiaries. † Then came the juvenile-delinquency scare of the 1950s, which sparked – surprise! – another wave of youth curfews. By 1957, half of American cities with populations of more than 100,000 had juvenile-curfew laws. But the greatest spike in curfews came in the early 1990s, amid a sharp rise in youth crime.Between 1988 and 1992, criminal offenses by juveniles rose 26 percent; even worse, youth crimes against persons – murder, rape, and assault – skyrocketed 56 percent. So curfews boomed, too. From 1990 to 1995, 53 of America's 200 largest cities enacted new curfew ordinances. The effort got a boost from President Bill Clinton, who signed a 1996 measure allotting $75 milli on to help local governments enact curfews and other anti-crime ordinances. â€Å"They help keep our children out of harm's way,† Clinton declared. In fact, they don't.To his credit, Mayor Nutter has instituted other measures to fight juvenile crime, including expanding the hours that recreation centers stay open. And he has skillfully used his bully pulpit, taking to the streets and airwaves to encourage parents to keep a closer watch on their children. More power to him, but not to the curfews. They might be good politics, but they're bad policy. Let's hope the mayor can tell the difference. It dosent matter what time off day it is, a teen will still be mischieve and do crimes.Don't you think that a parent should be more at fault for the teens crimes? Or is a curfew reall going to stop anybody. Curfew or No Curfew , Kids Are Going To Do What They Want To Do. Telling Them What TIme They Have To Be In The House Is Only Going To Make Them Want To Stay Out Later. The whole curf ew thing could go both ways because you have some kids that don't care what time it is, they will come in when ever they want. Or what about the kids who parents give then a one o clock curfew. If they're parents are okay with it then what more can you about it. I don't think curfews keep people out of trouble.People will do  what they wand and when they want to. Curfews don't stop people. Bad things can happen during the day even. So curfews don't effect anybody. I think that curfew somewhat helps the teens stay out of trouble but teens are always out on the streets doing whatever they want. Any time of the day a teen can cause harm but curfews just tries to decrease the harms teenagers can do at night. Either way they'll still do harm. A teen will be a teen. It doesn't matter what time of day it is. A curfew may make things worse. â€Å"Rules are made to be broken.†Inforcing curfew may cause a riot like Projext X and be a TERRIBLE outcome. I think that it doesnt matter wh at time it is or if you have a Curfew or not , If I have to be in at a certain time, I most likely wont come in at that time just because I may not want to . Teens are going to do what they want to do and giving them a curfew isnt going to change anything , It depends on the way the Parent approaches the situation . Purpose A curfew is designed to ensure your teen is at home safely for the evening. This includes helping prevent teen delinquency and keeping teens out of trouble.Curfews are also meant to cut down on dangerous activities such as drinking and driving. Many parents also enforce a curfew to help their teen get enough sleep. Ultimately, curfews can also give your teen independence while still setting reasonableAppropriate Curfews Sit down and discuss an appropriate curfew with your teen. If she has a role in setting her curfew, she is more likely to stick to it. Younger teens from 12 to 13 years old should be home between 7 and 8 p. m. on school nights, according to the Am erican Academy of Pediatrics.A curfew of 8 or 9 p. appropriate for teens between the ages of 14 and 16. Teens who can drive should be home between 10 and 11 p. m. on school nights. On weekends, it's appropriate to allow your teen to stay out 2 hours later than their weekday curfew, the AAP suggests. boundaries. Curfew and bedtime are two of the more negotiable household rules. During adolescence, when boys and girls are getting their first taste of independence, they probably spend the equivalent of a law-school education making their case to Mom and Dad for just a little extra time to stay out or to stay up.What is not negotiable are the consequences for disobeying curfew, except in the event of unforeseen circumstances. So that the punishment conforms to the crime, deduct time from future curfews, depending on the severity of the infraction. If your youngster straggles in an hour late, perhaps the next time he goes out with his friends, he has to come home an hour earlier tha n usual. Two hours past curfew buys a teenager a Friday or Saturday night confined to home. Long-term punishments, such as grounding the offender for one month, amount to overkill and will very likely do more harm than good.Q: When setting a curfew, how do I know what’s reasonable and what’s not? All of my son’s friends have to be home at different times, so it’s hard to base my decision on what other parents do. A: You can start by consulting the following table, which gives parents general guidelines appropriate for each stage of adolescent development. Let’s use as an example a fourteen-year-old boy. If he has school or other early morning commitments the next day, he really should be home no later than nine o’clock at night; if it’s a vacation day coming up, between 10 P.M. and 11 P. M. is reasonable. That’s your starting point. Now factor in the following: 1. How mature and responsible is he overall? If you feel confident that he knows how to watch out for his own safety and you trust he is where he tells you he will be, perhaps you extend the curfew. Some kids may not need a curfew beyond a community or state law regulating when adolescents must be off the road. 2. Does he usually comply with curfew? Again, his past behavior will influence how lenient or strict you are. 3. What activity is he engaged in?If he is shooting hoops in the park, he should be home by sundown, but if he’s studying with a friend, he can stay out later. 4. If he’s attending a baseball game, concert, school function or other event, what time does it let out and how long will it take him to get home? This will help determine whether or not you allow him some extra time to perhaps get a bite to eat before heading home. 5. How much sleep does he usually need? The average adolescent requires about nine hours of shut-eye a night, some more, some less.If your youn Do Curfew Keep Teens Out of Trouble† StudyMode. c om. 02 2013. 2013. 02 2013 . gster is drowsy in the morning, you’ll want to move up his bedtime, and with it, his curfew. 6. Even with a curfew teens will do what they want to do. If that means sneaking out, lying or skipping school or etc. sneaking out gives a teen a thrill and like they are invincible. That just makes them more likely to do much more dangerous stuff. Also, having a curfew just adds stress on a teen, because they will freak out about running late and traffic causing them to be late.If anyone says that kids will be too scared to sneak out, well wouldn't they be to break an actual law? Does curfew really keep teens out of trouble? Curfews give teens the chance to change and it works because they have less time out to cause the trouble and get Pregnant do vandalism, go stealing take drugs, smoke Cigarettes, and have under age sex get involved with the police and Intimidating Behavior. That’s the reason many people believe curfews are a good idea however giving your child a curfew is not going to stop them from doing all this stuff.They may not do it during the night or during their curfew but they may be doing it at day time or even skip school and go get in trouble. Having a curfew does not decrease crimes. Numerous articles by credible sources such as the (National Center for Policy Analysis, the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, and the US Department of Justice) all unanimously agree that curfew, in fact, does NOT lower young crime rates of any kind. Also, I found that the amount of arrests in young for breaking curfew greatly outnumbers the amount of arrests for any other crime in young.All of this goes to show that curfews in fact have no effect, and that teaching young teens to have morals and know what is right and what is wrong is greatly more effective than curfews. I've had my share of sneaking out, and staying out WAY past the time my parents set before me. It's only because if you say I can't do something, I want to prove everyone wrong and say that I can do that, and you can't do anything to stop me. Curfew is just a fence that can be climbed†¦ [continues]

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Writing and Colonial New England

Men were not responsible for anything that went on in the house back in that time. Married and divorced parents spent more time now with their children than 40 years ago. Children time for fathers Increased a lot more now than in the colonial times. Fathers weren't responsible for their children and women were obligated to do all house work. Response: This particular article took me by surprise because the fact that back in Colonial times fathers didn't really help around the house is upsetting and surprising.In my opinion, women and men are obligated to do the same and equal work as catheter. The Role of Men and Women In Colonial New England: Summary: Women and Men were forbidden to strike each other in the Colonial times. A man was forced to give bond if he was caught verbally abusing his wife. The duty of a husband was to go work and support his wife at all times. Women's property was forced to be given up to her husband once they were married and she was not allowed to work or ow n anything. In men's pollen women lacked strength for Intellectual exercise.Response: This article shocked me because the fact that men saw themselves as better than women is extremely degrading and unfair, women can do the same wings men can do The Role of Children In Colonial New England: Summary: Puritan parents were obligated to direct their children responsibly. Children who were too spoiled were sent to be treated by a master to become more obedient. Girls started learning house work as young as the age of 5. They had to learn how to cook and clean and do all the kinds of housework.I feel like with time writing exams you are so rushed to finish writing and outline that by the time you start your essay you Just go blank. To prevent that I read my articles more than once to completely understand it thoroughly and then I begin my essay. This really helps me in the long run and is good or completing and understanding my essay. Log 1 felt like I was prepared for the midterm. If I w ere to change anything I would read my articles a few more times next time to better understand them before my midterm.But generally I felt like I did a exceptional Job on my midterm and tried my hardest spending all the time I could to finish it. Writers Checklist: 1 . Does your idea draft respond fully to the assignment? Yes, it does. 2. Are your ideas organized the way you want? Yes, in my opinion, the ideas are organized how I want them to be. 3. Does your intro explain what the essay is about and what its repose is? My essays introduction introduces the topic and explains what the essay is going you be about. . Do you have a thesis that states your point or indicates the issue the essay will address? Yes, my thesis indicates the issue that my essay will address. 5. Do the body paragraphs each have a topic sentence? Do they develop the main points by giving specifics and examples to support these points? Yes. 6. Does your conclusion make one or more recommendations? Yes, my conc lusion makes at least one recommendation. 7. Yes, both my trusted friend and a classmate has reviewed my essay.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom Types of Internet Fraud essay

buy custom Types of Internet Fraud essay Introduction Courts are equally inhibited as the rest of the administration organizations in dealing with internet fraud and cyber crimes. According to Robert Jones, prosecutors avoid applying new laws and regulations to fight cyber fraud but instead choose to apply old statutes and legislations that have been tested and proved to work to ovoid pilling up of cases without sufficient evidence. Examples of internet frauds legislations in the U.S. target the following crimes: Wire fraud, Mail fraud, Financial Institution fraud, access devise fraud, computer fraud and abuse, identity theft and aggravated identity theft (Jones 2005). Internet fraud has registered the fewest criminal indictments because of the secrecy with which the crimes are committed. Types of Internet Fraud Phishing internet Fraud However, the United States courts have dealt with a few cases involving phishing. For example, in California, a juvenile was arrested and judged in 2003 for setting up a falsified AOL site in which the accused paid $3,500 to settle charged and damages. Another instance is when a Nevada resident set up a fake auto dealers website where customers could log in and make payments whereby the owner of the website captured private information such as passwords and usernames of car dealers (Jones 2005). The culprit used the password and usernames information to steal a total of$47,000 U.S. dollars from the accounts whose information he had captured through the falsified website that are almost similar to the real website. Even though the criminal tried to cover up his tracks by using a fake the internet identity, when arrested, the criminal pledged guilty. In New York, Howard Carmack from Buffalo was forced to pay ISP Earthlink a total of $16.4 million for damages. Howard is believed to have sent 825 million messages between 20002 and 2004. In Virginia, a judge sentenced a spam criminal using anti-spam law that convicted the suspect with 9 years in prison (Jones 2005). The aim of the conviction is to deter spammers, con artists and identity thieves from taking advantage of innocent users through phishing mail, web page and spam messages. Passing out large quantities of email and RSS feed is sometimes considered a crime if the recipients of the spam or solicited mail complain to authorities. Using of email and website pop-ups for advertisement is part of internet fraud that is classified under phishing. Phishing is a defined as a sophisticated scam whereby emails and message pop-ups are created claiming its source to be from a known business company. Since the mission of phishing is to mislead and convince the victim to give personal details or purchase some product or service, phishing thus interfers with social life in case where viruses are attached with phishing messages and pop-ups. Anti-phishing tactics and mechanisms have bee deployed by various security companies to counter theft and crime activities. Internet service providers like Yahoo, Gmail, Paypal and eBay are using sophisticated antiphishing software to block out malicious persons agenda (Boone Kurtz 2010). Payment Fraud Payment fraud is another form of internet fraud in which e-retailers and sellers place orders online for consumers to place their orders and pay through credit card by just entering credit card number and password identification information that can easily be stored and be used later by the online criminal gangs (Boone Kurtz 2010). Mail-Order Bribe Mail Order bribe fraud is another form of fraud that encompass all forms of scams that agencies masquerading as women to solicit money from men who use mail-order bride to date women. Usually a woman approaches countless men offering her love through messages in return for money and fare nut these women disappear never to be seen since it is easy to change the online nick name. Worse, some men pretend to be women while maintaining a virtual relationship with a man to defraud money (Moore 2010). White collar crime Most businesses stereotype theft with poverty and lack but today the white collar criminals are much worse since they steal using intelligent means. Financial crimes are tough to investigate since clear and convincing evidence is required by a court of law before the prosecution can pass a judgment (Goetz 2011). Financial crimes taking place in the internet are associated with full disclosure of information to a third party through the internet communications. Therefore, organizations and businesses ought to be aware when required to disclose information and when not necessary so as to avoid giving sensitive and secret passwords to internet hackers. Tracing Internet Crime Internet forensic argue that internet crime scene can be traced using the IP address of the server or layout files on web that act as fingerprints to the crime committed. Researchers have come up with a strategic method to impenetrate firewall and steal encrypted information stored at a remote computer. The process of stealing information remotely is called hacking. Therefore, it is very easy for a financial company operating electronic money transfer deals to become a target for hackers. Impacts of Internet Fraud Internet Fraud is a barrier to e-businesss, e-commerce and production. According to the Internet Crime Complaint Center as reported by Louis E. Boone and David L. Kurtz (2010) maintains that the FBI and the White collar Crime Taskforce (IC3). IC3 has indicated that the majority of internet crimes target fraud related to online auctioning. Online auction fraud is the fraudulent sale and purchase of merchandise from the disallowed internet sellers without assurance of whether the website systems are protected from third party hackers (Moore 2010). Auction fraud can include a seller sending a buyer wrong merchandise followed by credit and debit card theft. Application of internet in production and theft Internet components have helped business to improve on productivity and profitability. One of the best business computer applications is the human resource information system that is an automated payroll besides satisfying other important human resource tasks assigned to the application according to the size of each company. However, lack of proper anti-phishing and spam protection can cause the HRIS to collapse if a virus is downloaded into the system by an innocent worker surfing internet. Therefore, though the internet has streamlined business functions, companies have to face the ever changing faceless internet fraud that usually increases costs of conducting business. The most common spam is the Nigerian 419 scheme that refers to phishing activity of sending millions of spasm mails to anyone asking for financial information claiming to look for a custodian to secretly move millions of dollars to the victims account (ICANN WHOIS 2007). Con artists use such messages to con the pu blic and even business that fall for the prank taking it for a big financial breakthrough. Vulnerable groups to phishing and internet fraud According to Patti C. Wooten Swanson, elderly people particularly above the age of 60 years are more susceptible to internet fraud than the young who easily Google to confirm and ascertain claims spreading in the internet networks (2009). An area of future research includes research to find out statistically out of 10 internet scams which is the most common? Thus one research determined that phishing comprised 24%, lotteries 19%, internet access services 19%, Nigeria 419 financial schemes 13%, and prizes and sweepstakes 13% of online scams respectively (Swanson 2009). Conclusion In conclusion, internet fraud is a reality that is affecting the most ignorant and most vulnerable in the society because hackers remain isolated and faceless though their IP address can be traced, those who use public internet access remain predominantly unknown and therefore will continue with phishing activities. Buy custom Types of Internet Fraud essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

Eight-thousander Essay Example

Eight Eight-thousander Essay Eight-thousander Essay Sudarshan Gautam has a long road ahead of him before next years historic attempt to summit Mount Everest. The Nepalese-born Mount Royal University student, who has no arms, will be cruising from one Canadian coast to the other to raise cash, awareness and, perhaps, the pulses of other drivers as he makes the journey behind the wheel using just his feet. The inspiring amputee, who is licensed to drive and has done so on asphalt in 29 countries, is planning to pull off the feat as early as this summer.Donations generated through his adventure will be split among a mountaineering program for the disabled, offered through the Vancouver-based Tetra Society, and his own endeavour to scale the worlds highest peak, planned for next March. I like to spread the message that disability is not inability and I hope it will help for our mission to raise (money) for those things, said Gautam, 30, who will meet with sponsors Tuesday to finalize a start date for the cross-country tour. I have been pl anning this for next month, but because of the federal election the sponsor wants to move the project a couple months later. | |Gautam, who hails from the rural Ramecchap district of Nepal, lost his arms at 14 while vacationing with his family in Kathmandu. He was flying a kite that became entangled with overhead power lines. Believing the wire was insulated, he used a piece of iron to dislodge the kite. The resulting jolt badly damaged his limbs, which doctors had no choice but to remove. The physical disadvantage has proven to be of little consequence to Gautam. In 2005, he earned a bachelors degree in management and commerce before moving on to his next challenge scaling the 5,372-metre Mount Yala using his teeth, feet and the aid of sherpas.Through the Mount Everest expedition, Gautam hopes to raise $1 million for Nepalese orphans and disabled persons. I was born a normal child in Gunshi, Bhauduri-1 in Ramechhap district of Nepal. An average student, I enjoyed sports, particul arly, volleyball and soccer while at school. Apart from sports, I felt excited by scientific experiments. Like any child I was full of dreams, hopes, aspirations and passion. The first few of my dreams were to become a pilot or a political leader. A tragic accident, however, turned my whole life upside down.In June 1994, I arrived in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, on vacation. One day, I was flying a kite from a rooftop. The kite got stuck on the overhead electric wires. I did not realize that there were some naked wires. What’s even worse: I was totally oblivious to the fact that the wires carried an electricity of 11,000 volts. Naive as I was at the time, I used an iron rod to free the kite. I always shudder to think what happened after that. My father and uncle took me immediately to the Nepal Army Hospital. When I regained consciousness, I found that both my hands were completely burnt.After a few days at the hospital, doctors amputated both my arms. The unthinkabl e consequences of the accident led to the amputation of not just of my dreams but my whole future! My life became a burden onto myself. The days and weeks after my arms were amputated seem like dreadful memories. It felt as if I was engulfed in total darkness without the smallest glimmer of light. I knew I was alive, yet I was no more alive than a dead body. I could no longer do things that I did earlier. All my friends deserted me. I felt completely isolated from the world.I saw all my dreams shattering into pieces right before my eyes. I returned to my village after eight months of medication. When I reached my village, my neighbors and even my close friends laughed at my condition and others felt pity at my disability. In my own village, I was dubbed a â€Å"poor boy. † Meanwhile, many of my friends and classmates completed their School Leaving Certificate exams. The villagers congratulated them on their success and expressed pity for me, the â€Å"poor boy. † Their pity hurt me. I started facing terrible discrimination.I had not only lost my hands, but also my self-respect and dignity. I had lost my identity of being a man. There was nothing left in my life except for tears and endless sorrows. I asked myself how long I could go on living in that condition. What can I do? There seemed to be no answers. There seemed to be no hope at all. â€Å"Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life. † Herbert Otto â€Å"Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. Joshua J. Marine Time is the greatest healer and courage a genuine guide. As time passed by, I began to gather myself up and was able to muster courage and strength I never felt within me before. Things began to change after I made peace with the fact that no matter what, I had to endure my disability. I knew that if I did not overcome my weakness, I would end up worthless. I had to either prove myself a differently-abled person or live like a dead man. I followed my inner voice and started doing things in my own way. I customized things around me to suit my ability.I trained myself to do things on my own, including brushing teeth, taking showers, shaving, cooking and feeding. The more I started doing things independently, the more I realized I could do a lot of things that physically fit people do, without anybody’s support. Gradually, I started to play cards, carom, chess, etc. I even learnt how to ride a horse, a task many bodily fit people find daunting. I also practiced writing with my toes and later took School Leaving Certificate final examinations. I passed, writing the answers with my toes. â€Å"I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me.It’s because of them I’m doing it myself. † Albert Einstein Success is the harbinger of happiness. My village folks congratulated me on my success in the SLC exams. My courage and consistency paid back at last. I felt a deep sense of delight and pride. Overnight, I – the poor boy – became an icon of success in my village and others in the vicinity. Parents would tell their children, â€Å"Look! He passed his exams despite the disability. You should be embarrassed of yourself. † All this boosted my confidence. I began to believe in myself strongly once again.I managed to free myself from the psychological barriers that were holding me back. Finally, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was ready to take on all sorts of challenges in the world and I was prepared to strive hard to succeed. I recovered my old cheerful self and started getting involved in all kinds of activities and socializations in the community. People in my village began to call me their young leader. I left my village for Kathmandu to continue my higher education. When I arrived in Kathmandu, I made a promise to myself: â€Å"One da y I will claim my respectable lace in my society and the world will regard me as a brave person! † I got enrolled at Nepal Commerce Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal from where I graduated in commerce. While at college, as a leader of students’ council, I advocated for the rights and rehabilitation of the disabled. â€Å"If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves. † -Thomas Edison † It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. † Theodore Roosevelt I aspired to have my name entered in the Guinness Book of World Records so that my country would be proud of my efforts.To achieve that goal, I decided to drive a standard car. I visited many driving institutes asking them to train me and sought financial help from many organizations to help fund the project. Nobody came forward to support the cause as they didn’t believe I could do it. At last, I invested my own funds to learn how to drive from a private dri ving institute. On September 8, 2001, I demonstrated my driving skill to approximately 10,000 spectators. The Government of Nepal, Nepal Disabled Federation, Only at Nepal and many other social organizations helped me to organize that event.The demonstration was aired by various television channels and radios and covered in the print media. Now I am capable to drive a standard car with my feet through the busy streets. Driving a car on the streets of Kathmandu for the first time was an amazing and unforgettable experience. After the driving demonstration, I got support from many institutions. I was presented with cash awards and honored by many social organizations and the Nepalese Government. As people started to take me seriously, I transformed from being a poor, pitiable child, to somebody who could help others.So I began advocating the cause of others like me. As a president of Nepali for Nepali Cooperation Committee-Nepal, Nepal Scout and other organizations, I took initiatives to support more than 20,000 people of Mugu district from 2001 to 2004. In 2003, I took on a new challenge. With the help of a driving institute, I learned how to ride a normal (not modified) motorbike. A date for motorcycle riding demonstration was fixed. Unfortunately, because Nepal’s political situation worsened, the demonstration had to be cancelled. I continued to serve as a social worker nd was an active student political leader, but I was not satisfied. Meanwhile, I had been meeting many dedicated people and philanthropists from around the world. They supported me and helped me to plan my future activities. I got a chance to visit different countries and show my abilities. The abroad experience reinforced my confidence and I felt I had attained a new status in my life. Finally, I chose Canada to settle down. Today, I have the potentialities and opportunities to prove my abilities. My dreams, which I had wrongly believed were shattered after my hands were amputated, onc e again started coming alive.I felt capable of dreaming again. â€Å"I avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward. † Charlotte Bronte â€Å"Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will. † Unknown Now, my only one dream is to set my foot on top of the Mt. Everest. I have had some rock climbing training in Nepal. I climbed 5,732 m Mount Yala Peak in 2005 without prosthesis arms and oxygen. A press conference was held before I went on the Yala Peak expedition. People did not believe that I could not climb mountains without both arms. Some even laughed at me and taunted me.But I didn’t give up my hope. I ascended Mount Yala at 3 am on Aug. 24, 2005 with an expedition team led by the fastest climb record holder, Pemba Dorje Sherpa. I got enormous support from the Government of Nepal and the United Nations in Nepal for my attempt to summit Yala. I am confident that can climb Mt Everest as well. All I need is your support and best wishes to keep up my strength and hope. I wish to climb Mount Everest without prosthetics so that I can be an inspiration to millions of physically challenged people around the world. I’d like to spread the message: â€Å"Disability is not inability. †

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Story of Dido, Queen of Ancient Carthage

The Story of Dido, Queen of Ancient Carthage Dido (pronounced Die-doh) is known best as the mythical queen of Carthage who died for love of Aeneas, according to the Aeneid of Vergil (Virgil). Dido was the daughter of the king of the Phoenician city-state of Tyre. Her Phoenician name was Elissa, but she was later given the name Dido, meaning wanderer. Who Wrote About Dido? The earliest known person to have written about Dido was the Greek historian Timaeus of Taormina (c. 350-260 BCE). While Timaeuss writing did not survive, he is referenced by later writers. According to Timaeus, Dido founded Carthage as in either 814 or 813 BCE. A later source is the first-century historian Josephus whose writings mention an Elissa who founded Carthage during the rule of Menandros of Ephesus. Most people, however, know about the story of Dido from its telling in Virgil’s Aeneid. The Legend of Dido The legend tells us that when the king died, Didos brother, Pygmalion, killed Didos wealthy husband, Sychaeus. Then the ghost of Sychaeus revealed to Dido what had happened to him. He also told Dido where he had hidden his treasure. Dido, knowing how dangerous Tyre was with her brother still alive, took the treasure, fled, and wound up in Carthage, in what is now modern Tunisia. Dido bartered with the locals, offering a substantial amount of wealth in exchange for what she could contain within the skin of a bull. When they agreed to what seemed an exchange greatly to their advantage, Dido showed how clever she really was. She cut the hide into strips and laid it out in a semi-circle around a strategically placed hill with the sea forming the other side. Dido then ruled Carthage as queen. The Trojan prince Aeneas met Dido on his way from Troy to Lavinium. He wooed Dido who resisted him until struck by an arrow of Cupid. When he left her to fulfill his destiny, Dido was devastated and committed suicide. Aeneas saw her again, in the Underworld in Book VI of the Aeneid. The Legacy of Dido Didos story was engaging enough to become a focus for many later writers including the Romans  Ovid (43 BCE – 17 CE) and Tertullian (c. 160 – c. 240 CE), and medieval writers Petrarch and Chaucer. Later, she became the title character in Purcells opera Dido and Aeneas and Berliozs Les Troyennes. While Dido is a unique and intriguing character, it is unlikely that there was a historical Queen of Carthage. Recent archaeology, however, suggests that the founding dates suggested in historical documents could well be correct. The person named as her brother, Pygmalion, certainly did exist. If she were a real person based on this evidence, however, she could not possibly have met Aeneas, who would have been old enough to be her grandfather.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Compare and contrast the portraiture of Klimt with the portraiture Essay

Compare and contrast the portraiture of Klimt with the portraiture Schiele - Essay Example When Klimt died back in February 6, 1918, Schiele was one of the candidates who can follow the footsteps of Klimt. With this in mind, Zwingenberger (2011, p. 60) revealed that Schiele has one time called himself as the â€Å"Silver Klimt† 6. In fact, during the early part of the 20th century, Schiele became a well-known Austrian expressionist and a figurative painter 7. Specifically the fall of the Hapsburgs Empire during the World War I has occurred back in 1918 8. In relation to the previous paintings of Klimt and Schiele, the main purpose of this study is to discuss the similarities and differences between a couple of portraits made by each of these two successful painters few years before the fall of the Hapsburgs Empire happened. To give the readers a better idea of what is to be discussed in this essay, the works of Klimt such as the The Three Ages of Woman, 1905 and Hope II,  1907–08 and Schiele’s Woman in Green Bonnet, 1914 and Green Stockings, 1914 wil l first be described in short details followed by making the comparison between the art works of Klimt and Schiele based on the title, subject-matter, aesthetics, medium, and social aspect. Klimt’s Work: â€Å"The Three Ages of Woman, 1905† Klimt’s work entitled â€Å"The Three Ages of Woman, 1905† was drawn and painted in a 178 x 198cm canvas using oil 9. Specifically the chosen subject in this particular portrait was all about the representation of a woman’s life in three (3) different stages which include childhood life, adulthood, and old age 10, 11, 12. It means that these stages in a woman’s life could range from being an infant to becoming a mother, and eventually an old lady. (See Image I – Klimt’s Work: The Three Ages of Woman, 1905 on page 4) Image I – Klimt’s Work: The Three Ages of Woman, 1905 Source: Strauss, 2013, p. 162; De Pascale, 2007, p. 98 Upon closely examining this particular portrait, the im ages of a nude baby girl and a couple of ladies in Klimt’s â€Å"The Three Ages of Woman, 1905† were drawn with a unique and colourful mixture of orange, yellow, and brownish abstract background 13. For instance, on the upper left side was an old lady followed by a fairly skinned young mother in the middle, and the young child on the middle right side of the portrait. In line with this, the creation of a unique abstract background gave more emphasis to the outline of the naked bodies of these three ladies 14, 15. On the left side of the portrait, Klimt has drawn the image of a deformed, â€Å"sagging† or â€Å"wrinkled† skin which represents the age of the old lady 16, 17, 18. Furthermore, the fact that Klimt has drawn the image of the old lady with her face bowing down strongly represents her feeling of negative emotions such as sorrow and repressed emotions 19. On the middle and right side of the portrait show the beautiful face of a young mother holdin g an innocent baby girl 20, 21. Klimt’s Work: Hope II,  1907–08 Klimt’s work entitled â€Å"Hope II,  1907–08† was drawn and painted in a 43-1/2 x 43-1/2 inches canvas using gold, platinum, and oil 22. In this portrait was a pregnant woman with her head bowed down and eyes closed. In the upper centre of the portrait shows a half-naked pregnant woman 23. Specifically the closing of the woman’s eyes in this particular portrait strongly suggest the idea that the lady has been devotedly praying or hoping for her own safety and her child’

Annotated Bibliography for Africa's Hunger Essay

Annotated Bibliography for Africa's Hunger - Essay Example This has made it impossible for some African countries because they lack personnel to work in industries for production of food. For this reason, the rate of poverty still goes high as people do not earn an income. HIV/AIDS has resulted further to deaths resulting in desperation amongst some Africans to the extent that they are discouraged to work and produce food. In the end, they die of hunger. The contents of this newspaper article give information on how this situation has become life threatening in Africa. Hunger in Africa: Hearing before the Subcommittee on African Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Ninety-eighth Congress, Second Session, March 1, 1984. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1984. Print. This book was written following a hearing that had been held in 1984, on the basis of African affairs; inclusive of the hunger problem that had started become a problem in the continent. They spoke of the unfair trade markets and how it affected the peopleâ €™s trading of goods across continents Unfair trade markets has also contributed to hunger in one way or another, the exportation of food crops has become very lucrative in Africa, but the problem arises because the crops being exported are being underpaid and the freight charges are high. This still hinders the growth of GDP. It contributes to hunger as it increases the rate of hunger in the population due to poverty. Pantaleo, C. and S. Jaspars. Cash Transfer Programming in Emergencies, Oxfam Skills and Practice series, Oxford: Oxfam. (2005). Print. C. Pantaleo has written this book on how the aids are distributed and how effectively that should be done. He speaks of Africa’s dependency on some of his funding. Dependence on donor funding has made more people in Africa not work for their food. They do not look for sustainable measures to end poverty and food insecurity in their regions. The wait for donor funding and food aids from the various donors for their survival. He mentions that this is what is pulling down Africa in terms of being funded throughout and not working on sustainable means of survival. Karapinar, Baris and Christian Haberli. Food Crises and the WTO: World Trade Forum. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2010. Print. B. Karapinar wrote a book that capitalized on issues to do with the food crises in Africa. He mentioned the dire effects of the hunger in the continent. He gave a brief explanation on what this crisis entails and its relations with the WTO. The results of hunger in some of these regions are death due to starvation, malnutrition in children and adults due to lack of nutritious foods; there is a loss of population that is brought about by the deaths that occur due to hunger, the economy is crippled even more because of poverty. Hunger also makes people to migrate a lot as they evade the death due to hunger. There is loss of biodiversity and habitat disturbance that come about due to cutting down of trees by people to grow fo od crops. The latter also brings about human wildlife conflict as a result of deforestation too. People end up encroaching forested areas as they search for fertile lands to grow their foods. Child mortality due to hunger also increases. Diseases caused by hunger have become rampant due to the condition, for example, children get malnourished and eventually die. For example, in East Africa, Kenya, there have been instances when people died of hunger in Turkana. Lavy,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Aerobic Zumba paper for a sports student and linked to a lesson plan Term

Aerobic Zumba for a sports student and linked to a lesson plan - Term Paper Example The microcycle exercises taught here are very beneficial to the general health. Physical exercise can be defined as any kind of bodily activity that is performed to maintain the individual’s physical fitness, the general health and wellness of the person. Exercises are carried out for a variety of reasons for instance weight loss, strengthening of the muscles and cardiovascular system, maintenance and even for the purpose of entertainment and enjoyment. Frequent physical exercise is a booster to the immune system and assists in the prevention of diseases like those related to the heart, cardiovascular system, obesity and certain types of cancer (Woods, 2011, p. 41). Exercise is known to improve the state of mental health and promote and enhance the confidence and self esteem of those who get involved in it. These benefits are discussed in this term paper very exhaustively. The effects of these exercises on the basic skills of the learners and any other person who gets involved in them are also reviewed. This is discussed with the view of enhancing the strength, speed, endurance and coordination of those involved. Exercise indeed makes people feel better, to build in more energy and even live longer live longer lives. The health benefits of carrying out regular exercise and constant physical activity are not easy to ignore. They are beneficial to every individual regardless of age, physical ability and sex. Healthcare providers have often described exercises as a miracle or wonder drug whose capability is very tremendous in preventing diseases where expensive drugs could be used (Kennedy & Yoke, 2009, pp. 294-295). Indeed, exercise is a drug at the disposal of every individual. One chooses to take it or leave it at the expense of social and health well being. The Beneficial Effects of microcycle Exercises One of the beneficial effects of the exercises is that it helps to reduce the size of the waistline. This is very helpful as it tones and strengthens th e entire mid section and also boosts the hips. For the learners to achieve this fundamental benefit, they should perform the exercise of standing with legs hip-width apart and positioning the hands in front of the chest for balance (Alidina, 2012). The right foot then should be stepped on the right side followed by the left foot, and then the body twisted. The same step should be repeated on the opposite side. Exercise can significantly assist in the prevention of excess weight gains. In the same vein, exercise assists in maintaining the weight loss. When one engages in exercise or physical activity calories are burned. When the activity is intense more calories are burned. This has fundamental health benefits and can prevent several diseases that arise from conditions such as obesity. One does not have to set aside huge chunks of time and resource in doing the exercise so as to gain from these benefits. If one feels that it is very hectic to carry out these exercises, he should not worry and feel so left out. It is possible to reap these benefits by getting active throughout the day by doing simple things. Simple ways such as taking stairs instead of elevator, spending some time walking and reviving up the household chores can work out miracles and help those who fear to carry out the actual exercise equally achieve the health benefits associated with such exercises (Kraemer & Fleck, 2007, pp. 120-122). Exercise helps is combating diseases and other health conditions. Those who are worried about health diseases now have nothing to worry about if they can take an active role in carrying out the exercises. High blood

It is a mooting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

It is a mooting - Essay Example Therefore, the University cannot exclude itself for any liability as a result of negligence, based on the provisions of term (c) of the tenancy agreement since it does not satisfy the requirements of liability, specifically, Schedule 2(a), which requires that for reasonableness to be satisfied, both parties ought to have bargaining positions relative to each other with regards to the availability of any alternative means via which the requirements of the customer could have been met. This is supported by Phillips v Hyland [1987] 1 WLR 659. Ms. Edwards did not have bargaining power relative to that of the University of East England. With regards to other alternatives, she did not have any other since the University of East England offer was the cheapest, which Ms. Edwards could not find anywhere and as such it seems she was under some sort of pressure. According to Schedule (d), for term c to be deemed reasonable, it must be satisfied that at the time of the contract, compliance to th at term would have been practical. This is supported by Smith v Eric S Bush [1990] UKHL 1 2. ... If it pleases you My Lady, I will start with my first submission My Lady, the appeal before you is for the determination of whether a judge in a trial court erred in law in his decision in favor of the respondent, Ms. Edwards. The Appellant, the University of East England argue that, the trial judge erred in law in his determination that a term in a tenancy contract between the University of East England and Ms. Edwards , specifically term (c), which states, c) In the agreement, the University dissolves itself from taking any responsibility in case of damage to a student’s property within its premises, was â€Å"unreasonable†. According to the Appellant, the University of East England, that term, (c), of the tenancy contract satisfies the thresholds for reasonableness on the basis of Section 2(1-2) of the UCTA 1977. We contest this notion and affirms that, the trial did not make in error in law on the basis of Section 2(1-2), which states, In the case of other loss or d amage, a person cannot so exclude or restrict his liability for negligence except in so far as the term or notice satisfies the requirement of reasonableness. We argue that, the University cannot exclude itself from liability arising from any loss or damage caused by negligence based on term (c) of the tenancy contract since it does not satisfy the requirements of reasonableness. My Lady, Schedule 2(a) of the UCTA 1977, requires that, for a term in a contract to be deemed reasonable, both parties ought to have bargaining positions relative to each other with regards to the availability of any alternative means via which the requirements of the customer could have been met. This was held in Phillips v Hyland [1987] 1 WLR 659, where, Lord Justice Slade, Mr. Justice Neill and Sir John Megaw, held in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Teamwork and Leading Teams Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Teamwork and Leading Teams - Assignment Example Some team members publicly question the authority, and there are those that want to be in authority. Some advantages of teamwork include improvement in the quality of service. The production improves with active cooperation. Another advantage is shared ideas. A common agenda for teammates helps achieve a common goal. At the formation stage, clear directions were given, and challenges resolved. We were allowed to act on our individual thought and soon noted they somehow lacked in the ultimate goal of the company. As a group, we combined ideas and were able to tackle problems encountered. We developed the spirit of cohesion and trust was the central pillar of our team work. Teamwork is an accessible door to enter into an organization culture. Collaboration improves companys performance and is an indispensable part of any business (Maxwell, 2014). Group culture geared towards cooperation helps achieve goals and work in a given time frame. If I were to assume a leadership role, I would put emphasis on the group’s achievements over individual performance. In-group competition kills the spirit of comradeship and diverts from the teams goal. I would organize frequent team building activities among members and institute competition among themselves. Regular teamwork brings the company together as well as a refresh on the focal purpose of the enterprise. Formal communication is essential for passing vital information. Memos and circulars at key installation place deliver information to all people. Communication can pass through informal means of communication like propaganda and grapevine. Information flows quickly using informal means but stands a chance of being distorted. Informal information is easy to assimilate for team members, unlike formal communication (West, 2012). As the team leader, I would be with my team throughout the process starting with formation. Ensure each member knows her role and, above all, the main reason for

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 20

Marketing - Essay Example You must take note of the industrial norms, i.e. the competitors which are already existent within the relevant market. This will make you realize the extent of scope that will be successful when you decide to open up London Pride. When you know about the competition right from the onset then you also discern that how they are playing upon their strengths and what weaknesses exist within their realms. Their weak points are significant since you could play with them and implement them in your own health and fitness club. Their strengths could be replicated and you could incorporate strategies which will make you successful as well. (Baker, 1970) In fact you can exceed the strengths by giving more value to the eventual customers or members of the health and fitness clubs than the competitors are providing at the present. If the marketing environment is dull and mundane, you would have to instill confidence within the customers to come and try for their own betterment the facilities ava ilable at your health and fitness club and thus become fitter and healthier in their respective lives. The marketing environment which exists for London Pride will dictate the way under which you will exploit the strengths that you bring to the table and close down the weaknesses that are already existent within the industry. Now it up to you as to how you balance the positive and the negative stance presented by the industry and how you will counter the very same in a head on manner. Your business is what you must concern yourself with and for that you need to devise a strategy which will not only be wholesome but also exclusive for your own business. The business will only gain from the marketing environment and you should make sure that the hurdles that come your way must not deter you in the wake of launching this health and fitness club. You must get your act together and do

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Teamwork and Leading Teams Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Teamwork and Leading Teams - Assignment Example Some team members publicly question the authority, and there are those that want to be in authority. Some advantages of teamwork include improvement in the quality of service. The production improves with active cooperation. Another advantage is shared ideas. A common agenda for teammates helps achieve a common goal. At the formation stage, clear directions were given, and challenges resolved. We were allowed to act on our individual thought and soon noted they somehow lacked in the ultimate goal of the company. As a group, we combined ideas and were able to tackle problems encountered. We developed the spirit of cohesion and trust was the central pillar of our team work. Teamwork is an accessible door to enter into an organization culture. Collaboration improves companys performance and is an indispensable part of any business (Maxwell, 2014). Group culture geared towards cooperation helps achieve goals and work in a given time frame. If I were to assume a leadership role, I would put emphasis on the group’s achievements over individual performance. In-group competition kills the spirit of comradeship and diverts from the teams goal. I would organize frequent team building activities among members and institute competition among themselves. Regular teamwork brings the company together as well as a refresh on the focal purpose of the enterprise. Formal communication is essential for passing vital information. Memos and circulars at key installation place deliver information to all people. Communication can pass through informal means of communication like propaganda and grapevine. Information flows quickly using informal means but stands a chance of being distorted. Informal information is easy to assimilate for team members, unlike formal communication (West, 2012). As the team leader, I would be with my team throughout the process starting with formation. Ensure each member knows her role and, above all, the main reason for

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Organic Food Production Values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Organic Food Production Values - Essay Example Any substance that is formulated or manufactured by a chemical process, or by a process that results in a chemical change in a substance extracted from a naturally occurring plant animal or mineral source, is termed a synthetic material. The main emphasis of organic farming is to minimize air, soil and water pollution. Animal and crop wastes, botanical, biological or non-synthetic pest control methods are used in organic farming. When required only permissible synthetic material that can be quickly broken down by oxygen and sunlight are used. Alternative methods to increase soil fertility such as crop rotation, tillage and cultivation practices, cover crops, and natural products such as natural fertilizers and pesticides are used. To be used for organic farming, a plot of land has to be free from the use of prohibitive substances for a minimum period of three years before the harvest of an organic crop. Organic farming, therefore, takes a long start-up period. â€Å"Organic foods are produced according to certain production standards. For crops, it means they were grown without the use of conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, human waste, or sewage sludge, and that they were processed without ionizing radiation or food additives. For animals, it means they were reared without the routine use of antibiotics and without the use of growth hormones. In most countries, organic produce must not be genetically modified.† (Wikipedia) The Biodynamic Movement founded by Rudolf Steiner is the main concept behind organic farming. Conceived in the 1920s, biodynamic agriculture is the oldest consciously organic approach to agriculture. Biodynamic agriculture is stricter in its requirements for on-farm self-sufficiency, in terms of manure, compost and animal feed, than other types of organic farming.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Lost and Found Essay Example for Free

Lost and Found Essay It’s a story that many people have lived through, from one side or the other. You’re a child in a busy department store, tethered to your mother’s side by her firm grip on your hand, your eyes constantly drawn left and right by the colorful displays. She lets go to grab something or talk to a salesperson, and you see an exciting toy or stuffed animal and run to it. After playing with it for a few minutes you try to walk back, but your mother is gone. First a wave of confusion hits you, but it is quickly overcome by dread. You are alone and lost in a sea of noise and people. When great philosophers or authors talk or write of being â€Å"lost† they can mean all sorts of things, but few are as visceral as the feeling of being lost that a child in a situation like that can experience. Even if there’s a good chance the child is in no danger at all, the feeling of dread that accompanies feeling alone and lost in a crowded department store can be terrifying. Most people will have their first feeling of being lost as being literally, physically lost as children, whether it is in a department store, or in a large park, or simply down the next street. It makes sense, then, to start defining what it means to be â€Å"lost† with the experience of a child. What about that deep, philosophical â€Å"lost,† though? When people say they feel lost (as opposed to being physically lost) they often are referring to alienation of some sort. One way that people address alienation that serves as a good comparison is religion. People who believe strongly in their religion will often feel like they are spiritually â€Å"in place.† On the other hand, if some tragedy or crisis of identity strikes, they might suddenly feel spiritually lost. The same dread that a child who can’t find his mother feels in the department store can be felt by an adult who experiences a tragic accident and loses their belief in their religion. These definitions of lost could apply five hundred years ago just as easily as they apply today. I believe, though, that every era has challenges that are unique to it, and the information age is no exception. The â€Å"information age† really is aptly named, because in today’s fast-paced world we are hit with more information than any humans have ever faced. As modern people, we are constantly inundated with a flood of information everywhere we turn. Magazines and newspapers and books and nutrition labels and billboards and television programs – they’re all feeding us new information every waking moment. All these mediums pale in comparison to the true information mother lode though: the internet. With computers, people gain access to the vast majority of the world’s information at their fingertips. With the increasing popularity of internet-connected smart phones and tablet computers, though, this information is not only at our fingertips but alwa ys at our fingertips. What does the internet have to do with alienation and being lost? The sensory overload that Wikipedia and Youtube provide can be great for keeping people entertained, but it can also be all too easy to get lost in. Many people know the feeling of logging onto a computer or smart phone with a single goal in mind – sending an email, perhaps, or checking the weather next week – and spending not five minutes but an hour and a half, as the myriad attractions of the digital age distract them. Just like the child in the department store, people can be drawn to the colorful displays of the internet, and realize only when it is too late that they are lost. So, then, we can define (at least) three different ways that people can be lost. There is the physical â€Å"lost† – not knowing where you are physically. There is also the spiritual â€Å"lost† – not feeling at peace with your own existence. Finally, there is the information age â€Å"lost† – being trapped, pinned beneath ever-growing piles of information that your mind will never have time to process all of. All three of these forms of being lost have something in common: they feel bad, but are actually ultimately helpful. Since it’s been established previously that being lost is connected to being alienated, it might seem contradictory that it is actually a good thing. After all, those feelings associated with being lost – hopelessness, dread, despondence – are all quite uncomfortable and even painful to feel. Nobody likes to feel like they don’t know where they are in life, like they are out of place. No child likes the feeling of separation from their loved ones. And certainly nobody likes to look up and realize they’ve just wasted three hours of their lives they’ll never get back watching funny videos about cats on the internet. Overall, all the emotions that being lost makes people feel are negative – but all the negativity serves a purpose. Without darkness, there’s no light, and without being lost, there’s no being found. There’s an old stereotype that people who are on a bad path in life will never be able to clean up their act until they hit the lowest possible point, and in a way getting lost can be like that. Realizing that they are lost can be the ultimate wake up call. It’s easy to demonstrate how getting lost once or twice in a physical way can help someone. Going back to the example of the child in the department store, what is most likely to happen is that the child will have a harmless scare for a while and then be re-united with its mother. While in the short-term both the child and its parents will be scared, in the long-term the child will hopefully learn not to stray far from its parents in an unfamiliar place. If the person getting physically lost is an adult instead of a child, they may learn the value of being more prepared (by bringing a map on a road trip, perhaps) or even the value of asking other people for directions. Spiritual periods of being lost can be similarly helpful to a person’s growth and development. Someone who’s faith has never been tested may continue to go on acting as they do while life is easy, but if things get harder they won’t know what to do. On the other hand, if someone experiences a tragedy or unexpected twist in their life their faith might be challenged and tested. Even though they may feel horribly lost during this period, they may emerge from it with a new, stronger faith in their beliefs. On the other hand, if they find their beliefs to be lacking, they may instead have new personal revelations and growth that will lead them to a belief system that they more truly support. Getting lost in the information age is less easy to define than the more traditional ways people get lost. In many cases, people embrace the information overload and dive right in. Every day, people’s jobs and education can require them to submerse themselves in the sea of information that is the internet. It is hard to say what the consequences of people being inundated with so much information will be. The easy access (and unavoidable flood) of information is a relatively new thing, that has only been around to this degree for at most a bit over a decade, so the implications have yet to be seen. What is it to be lost? There are at least a handful of answers to this question, but in the broadest terms possible, being lost is being alienated from one’s surroundings. Everybody gets lost from time to time in one way or another, and that will likely never change. Getting lost can be uncomfortable and scary, but getting lost is an important part of life. Through getting lost and then finding themselves again, people can grow and learn more about themselves and their surroundings. So what is it to be lost? To be lost is to be in a state of change: to be lost is to be down, but coming back up, to be in trouble but in hope of being found again.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Benefits of Flexitime in the Public Sector

Benefits of Flexitime in the Public Sector Flexible working time is a new style of work condition which has its root from the German word Gleitzeit which means sliding time. It may be defined as a variable work schedule which allows persons to fulfill their obligations outside a rigid framework of time. Flexitime allows an employee to choose the time when he will start work and when he will finish but with a core time when everybody must be present which is normally a period of four to six hours in the middle of the traditional work schedule(Rubin,1979). Flexitime has been basically categorized into three types namely, gliding or variable time where the employees can change their arrival and departure time whenever they want as long as they are present for a core period of time. Flextour also allows workers to change their arrival or departure time but they must specify in advance when they will arrive and depart for a period of one or two weeks. Here also there is a core period to cover. A third type of flexitime is a completely flexible one where there is no core period. Employees can come and depart as long as a cover a set number of hours per week or per month(Estes,1990). A basic model of flexitime may be summarized as below: A bandwidth which is the earliest time at which employees start work up to the latest finishing time (e.g. 6.00 am to 6.30 p.m). A core time within which all employees are present at work (e.g. 10.00 to 12.00 a.m and 2.00 to 4.00 p.m). In fact it is management who usually set the core time whereas the flexible time is decided by the employee based upon mutual consent (Nadler et al,2010). A flexible band of hours during which the employees might vary the time of starting work in the morning and/or the time of quitting work in the afternoon . Banking, which permits the employees to accumulate excess or shortage of hours worked. The introduction of flexitime in the Public Sector has been a subject of big debate since a very long time. Various studies have been done on this subject in many countries. Nowadays, many organizations are in a state of change and given the rapid development in the business environment worldwide, the need for managing employees effectively was never as significant as it is today. Moreover, increased globalization, technological evolution, new laws and regulations, changing economic and social environment are all pressing organizations to be more competitive and finding better ways of collaborating and ensuring a harmonious relation between management and employees. Trust has to be built in corporate governance, in business strategies and in the future success of work and also in the skills, abilities and desires of the workforce. The aim of this paper is to debate on the whole concept of flexitime, also defined in some papers as flexible work arrangements. The objectives of the research are summarized as follows: Why the need for flexitime To show the impact of flexitime in the life of civil servants To show whether flexitime reduces stress and increases job satisfaction and staff morale To show if it gives rise to more efficient work practices by improving productivity and performance Seek to analyse whether flexitime helps workers to reconcile work with family responsibilities Whether flexitime helps in reducing lateness and absenteeism Whether flextime contributes in reducing the need for overtime To demonstrate whether flexitime enhances motivation of employees at their workplace Try to analyse the concept from both a management and employee point of view Seek to analyse its advantages and disadvantages both to management and to employees The information has been extracted both from the private and public sectors. Background and overview Different studies have been carried out in many countries on the concept of flexitime and each one has come up with its own conclusions. During the 1960s there was a labour shortage in Germany. ChristelKraemerer then came up with the concept of flexitime to encourage housewives and mothers to join the labour market to address this particular problem. Thus the strict rule of standard work schedule no longer exists where more than 75% of the workforce are for flexible working schedule( Kattenbach et al., 2010). By 1972 the United States had started flexitime on a pilot basis(Rubin,1979). In 2003 the UK government passed a legislation giving the right to employees having children under six or having disabled children under eighteen, to request a flexible work arrangement and by April 2007 the law included this facility to carers of adults( William R. Estes had come up with a meta-analysis of the effects of flexitime over a large number of circumsta nces. He made use of results of previous research articles to demonstrate the effects of flexitime on absenteeism, productivity, overtime costs, leisure/family time, job satisfaction, role conflict, turnover, transport problems, and the desire to continue the use of flexitime. The meta analysis concluded that it was easier to implement flexitime in small organizations than in bigger ones. This is mainly due to the complexity of larger organizations and to the number of employees compared to smaller organizations. It also showed that flexitime increases job satisfaction, reduces absenteeism and abuses on leaves entitlement, improved employee behavior. But, on the other hand it did not have big effect on productivity. Flexitime is also perceived as being a modern tool for managing resources more effectively, efficiently and economically(Khamkaya and Sloan,2009). In todays competitive world people is seen to be one of the key resources which can bring success to an organization(wickramasinghe and Jayabandhu, 2007). In this context, the effective management of human resources is an important feature in the adoption of flexitime in an organization.A study on the implementation of flexitime in the Scottish Local Authorities showed reluctance on the part of employees due to cultural change, inadequate support from the current organizational policy. Changing a long lasting culture in an organization is perhaps one of the most difficult task an organization and management can face. Although there are many benefits pertaining to the adoption of flextime, the success obtained in one organization does not guarantee that it will work in other organisations also. Management, employers perception, employees pe rception, the working environment will play a big role and will vary from one organization to the other. Flexitime was introduced in an IT sector in Sri Lanka which put more emphasis on people management. Effective human resource management contribute highly to the realization of capital growth and technological expansion. Some studies have shown that female workers are more in favour of flexitime as it helps them to coordinate more effectively their work and their private life commitments. When both parents are working in a family there is a greater need for flexitime as it enables them to properly handle their family responsibilities and any other commitments they may have for example, the pursuance of higher studies. Employees were all in favour of flexitime and would like to have it in all workplaces. Employers were able to have the trust of employees, their full commitment and increase their potential. Welch and Gordon(1980) had found that flexibility encouraged employees to remain with the same employer for longer. However, the sri Lankan study revealed that this was not necessari ly the case. It must be emphasized that the Sri Lankan study is more recent and was conducted twenty seven years later where many changes have occurred in the working environment and conditions. Similarly concerning the gender issue other studies suggested that female workers were more in favour of flexitime, the findings in the Sri Lankan context revealed that there were no significant differences between males and females perceptions. Management systems are modernizing and there is a need to develop strategies like flexitime in a globally competitive environment(Wickramasinghe, Jayabandu (2007)). Flexitime has also been implemented throughout the Queensland public sector since 1996. But this study revealed that flexitime created much frustrations among employees. This was mainly due to the arising of long working hours and inadequate time off. Employees were allowed to bank their excess hours worked up to a maximum of thirty hours. Some employees accumulated up to 800 excess hours and could not take it as there was a significant lack of staff. But there were other areas in the same organization where staff were able to take timeoff due to to the conscious decisions of managers. Also flexitime caused a decrease in socialization in the workplace as colleagues could not meet their friends as each had his own time of coming and going and taking breaks. There was also lack of proper regulations to monitor the system. The study showed the importance of regulation and good management of the system to increase employee welfare. Although there are great benefits from flexitime it can also have detrimental effects if it is not properly managed( A study on flexitime in the National Health Services (NHS) in UK showed that it brought much happiness to employees. It was studied as an aspect of Improving Working Lives (IWL) standard in an NHS Acute Trust. Over a third of the employees considered the implementation of flexitime as a give and take approach. They felt that they have to and they wanted to perform better in return of the advantages they got from the flexible arrangements. They perceived much happiness as they felt that they were well treated and valued and that there was a reduction of stress in their daily lives. However the study had a limited conception. It laid emphasis on only one aspect, that is IWL (Atkinson and Hall, 2011). Sanchez et al.,(2007) have said Flexibility is a source of competitive advantage. Enhancing flexibility may be costly in the short run, but it gets easier over time. Firms become more flexible because their managers emphasise the importance of flexibility and because they practice being fl exible. A self-reinforcing process then begins. The Implementation of Flexitime in the Mauritian public sector The introduction of flexitime in the Mauritian Civil Service has been advocated since 1993 by the Pay Research Bureau so as to solve the problems of late arrivals in office due to traffic congestion and other family problems. In its report of 2003 the PRB has recommended that subject to the approval of the Ministry of Civil Service Affairs and Administrative Reforms and after consultation with the staff side, Ministries/Departments/Organisations should expedite the introduction of flexitime where demand exist and resources permit. Flexitime would normally not be applicable to certain categories of officers due to the nature of their duties, for example: Officers operating on a shift system, roster basis and staggered hours Officers in the manual grades Officers in the disciplined force Officers in the education sector A survey had also been undertaken in this context. The conclusions were that organisations which had adopted flexitime had been effective in combating excessive/regular tardiness. The absence of a computerised system of attendance and additional resources required were one of the major hindrances for its application in other sectors. Lack of supervision was also an issue. Those working in teams also dont find it suitable to their needs and it was also difficult to evaluate work performed after normal working hours in terms of productivity. Some Chief Executives have made some favourable observations. They say that flexitime can increase productivity, improve performance and reduce overtime costs if used judiciously and effectively. It can also increase efficiency and improve quality of life of employees. It can also combat lateness and prevent abuse of leave by officers and is a good management tool (PRB Report 2008). The report has further laid emphasis on the responsibility of management and employees in the public sector. Management Responsibilities The PRB has spelt out the responsibilities of management on the application of flexitime as follows: (a) introduction of irregular workweek whereby employees have early arrival times and late departure times; (b) ensuring that there is adequate office coverage during official hours and that customer service and work requirements are not adversely affected by employee participation in alternative work schedules; (c) ensuring that employee participation in alternative work schedules is equitable and consistent across work units within the organization; (d)complying with all procedural requirements on certification of time and attendance and work schedules (e) communicating and seeking mutual agreement with the employees on work schedules (f) planning office workflow to ensure that there is productive work for employees to perform (g) suspending an employees alternative work schedule when workload requirements, temporary duty, or training preclude participation (h) informing employees as soon as practicable of any modifications in work schedule (i) making a concerted effort to schedule office meetings during core hours; and (j) to ensure monitoring and supervision in establishing work hours, prohibit abuses and take corrective measures if abuses occur. Employees Responsibilities The responsibilities of the employees on the introduction of flexitime as pointed out in the PRB Report 2003 are as follows: (a)complying with all procedural requirement regarding certification of time and attendance and work schedules to which they are assigned; (b)communicating and seeking mutual agreement with the supervisor on work schedules; and maintaining records of daily time and attendance in accordance with office procedures. Advantages of Flexitime There are many advantages resulting from the introduction of flexitime. And it is beneficial to employees, employers and management. The advantages of flexitime from a point of view of management: Improvement in productivity With the implementation of flexitime it is felt that absenteeism and turnover are reduced, and job satisfaction is improved in an organisation. Flexitime is also associated with increased productivity and morale and reduced absenteeism. Overtime The need for overtime is not felt as employees can manage busy and slack periods. Management can also do a saving on item of overtime. Moreover, completion of lengthy work assignments can be completed without resorting to overtime . Efficiency Flexitime can help employees to combine their work and personal responsibilities, and can help workflow to be managed more efficiently. (a) domestic matters can be dealt with in employees own time (b) details of employees time keeping is readily available ( c) the existence of a scheme can act as a positive tool in recruitment The advantages of flexitime from employee perspective: Reduces stress and fatigue It relieves officers of their stress and help them to better manage the balance between work commitments, family responsibilities and lifestyle choices to the advantages of the services. It helps employees to better cope with both the work and the household and child care responsibilities. It also makes travelling easier out of peak hours. Greater staff morale and job satisfaction Flexitime promotes happiness Employees perceive that flexible work schedule brings them joy (Atkinson and Hall,2010). They are also able to vary working time thus enjoying time-autonomy which positively influence performance. This autonomy acts as motivator to job satisfaction. There is also a team spirit and morale is high. Reduces delayed arrival caused by traffic congestion Flexitime allows you to schedule your travel and time to avoid congestion More in control of their workloads and manage a better balance between personal life and work Allows bank time ( accrued flex balance hours) to be used for leisure/ personal activities. Increased opportunity to fit other commitments and activities in with work, and make better use of their free time. Personal matters therefore can be sorted without having to take time off. Todays workforce increasingly consists of women and workers in alternative family structures such as single headed and dual earner families. Faced with more pressing demands from both the workplace and home these employees often divide time between these two competing interest. Among those likely to benefit to greater workplace flexibility are prime working age women, women household heads, and employees in two earner families. Advantages from Employer Perspective Flexitime takes away the easy audit of who is punctual and who is not. It makes the employee accountable for his own timekeeping and makes rigid timekeeping by the supervisor unimportant. It shifts focus of management from monitoring of attendances to productivity of the employee. It leads to joint accountability of workers and management . Absenteeism is reduced and in many cases the need for overtime is not felt. Retention of employees who seek flexible work arrangement (Nadler et al, 2010) Workers feel more responsible to the organisation and an atmosphere of partnership between employer and employee develops. Although flexitime is the most popular way of varying daily hours it has its limitations, and is not suitable for all job roles and workplaces, and other flexible options may provide better solutions. Flexitime works best, as with all alternative working patterns, as part of a package of options available to help employees balance their work and personal lives and the organisation meet its business objectives. However, this system has brought some difficulties in the work practice. The main disadvantages resulting from flexitime are: Perceived loss of management control Extra hours of supervision may be required There is potential for abuse of the flexible work periods Greater co-ordination of working arrangements is required to maintain cover Cover is lessened due to additional time off under flexi leave Staff who cannot be afforded flexible working hours experience resentment Cost of implementing control systems/equipment Additional work for personnel/supervisory staff e.g. inputting time credits for leave and adjustments, recording of flexi leave To what extent the introduction of flexitime can be successful in reality for Mauritius is still a question of big debate. Proper planning is very important. Although the Pay Research Bureau has recommended its implementation but what has been done and what is being done is still under consideration. From the literature review it is seen that all researches which have been conducted in this field there are varying views from different authors. Some have brought forward many advantages and others have noticed many drawbacks. Some employees have derived much satisfaction while others have experienced much frustration especially due to the long hours culture which has developed. Likewise some employers have seen major improvements in the quality of work while others are still sceptical as to the success of this strategy. Some are also fearful that it would lead to anarchy in production and that the costs of implementation would exceed the benefits. Through this paper we will try to anal yse a general perception of flexitime in the Mauritian public sector and will it be really successful in our context taking into consideration all the constraints.